How can I help?
Call the Texas Supreme Court
Call the Texas Supreme Court (512) 463-1312 to support for an immediate and urgent review of the soon to be filed Petition For Review and Emergency Stay
Call or Email the Travis County District Attorney
Express your support to investigate and prosecute the guilty parties at or call (512) 854-9400.
Are you an attorney?
Share your Texas experience with our legal team and consider an amicus brief for coming TX Supreme Court mandamus. Because there are Federal crimes, Constitutional violations, and jurisdictional diversity, we're in particular need of Federal and Florida counsel.
Spread The Word!
Sunshine is the best disinfectant. The clock is ticking for Harlan, and this insane tragedy shows how desperately families NEED PROTECTION from rogue courts and their insidious weapons: delay, fallacious POs, opacity and obfuscation, and within Travis County unchecked Commissar-like power to destroy families at will -- even with fabricated standing.
Contact Us
Reach out for assistance regarding Harlan's case and the ongoing issues with the court system.
Harlan's story is heartbreaking. We must raise awareness about her situation and support efforts to bring her home safely. Every voice matters in this fight.
Support Harlan