Full Timeline of the Unthinkable
September 1, 2021 - Heidi returns in manic state from extended business trip after going off pysch meds; emails her therapist: "emergency ,, still out of country and lithium ran out 4-5 days ago"......I lost my shit at the Danish customs late at night delivering the plane because Howard (in my mind) forgot to do something and I was screaming at him like bat shit crazy and I know it's b/c I went off my meds. The whole time I my inner monlogue was saying, what the fuck is wrong with me.
December 18, 2021 - Heidi, abusing prescriptions and alcohol, arrested for Domestic Assault. The next day I refuse a protective order to keep Heidi away from Harlan and I, offered by APD victim services, because I don't want to expose Harlan to more trauma or exacerbate Heidi's mania.They tell me to call back if I need one - which I do after Heidi absconds. I also get a call from SAFE encouraging me to discuss an abuse escape plan, which I refuse -- it's seems like they did the same to Heidi after her false allegation, perhaps the genesis of her ultimately fatal ruse.
December 21, 2021 - after agreeing to put off anything about assault until after Christmas, Heidi receives call from long-estranged brother whose history of death threats and violence led to decade plus protective order - reveals that she'd called him from jail after her arrest (evidence submitted by Deborah shows that 2 weeks before absconding Heidi knew that was a mistake; confirms her dislike and distrust of her mother.
December 23, 2021 - TX Child Protective Service, called by APD because Harlan witnessed assault. Harlan tells them she saw Mommy hitting Daddy (as she'd told APD after the incident), that both parents are safe and loving, and she could go to either one with a problem but mainly she'd go to Daddy.
January 6, 2021 - At Heidi's request HBF meets with her criminal defense lawyer, tells him he doesn't want Heidi prosecuted and asks for his help in addressing her volatility and substance abuse. HBF agrees to sign non-prosecution agreement Attorney requests that HBF call APD and retract his narrative of Heidi's assault - HBF refuses to lie and notes the entire incident is on video including Heidi initiating the assault and repeatedly attacking HBF while he attempted to grab Harlan and leave. Later, Heidi texts HBF she'll be forced to create a defense. HBF later discovers Heidi emailed SAFE (battered woman's org) that day alleging HBF assaulted her but police arrested her instead; the APD arrest report fully rebuts this, with Heidi telling police she snapped and can't remember what happened next; report notes no injuries].
January 14-17, 2022 - Heidi abruptly loses it at a park and disappears. Eventually comes home, says she wants a divorce, and leaves for a hotel. After 2 days of manic behavior including a surprise, belligerent apartment visit necessitating a 911 call; verbal threats; and senseless phone calls and texts, she asks to come home and does. The next day, while Harlan and HBF are out, Heidi makes a false spousal tape allegation to SAFE (1/17).
January 19, 2022 - Heidi gives CPS her alternative response plan to to address her assault arrest (below 2nd from left); emails HBF to say she would like to stay married. Her plan includes a new full psychiatric evaluation (as she'd been attempting to get since before Covid; below, right 2 pictures).
February 2, 2022 - HBF drops Harlan at school - last time he sees her pre-adduction.
February 3, 2022 - Heidi absconds with Harlan saying "she needs some space". Responding to HBF's call, Texas CPS locates Heidi and interviews both her and Harlan. Harlan -- as she did 5 weeks earlier - tells CPS she's fine and both parents are safe people. Harlan asks Heidi to text dad this picture with snow heart (left).
February 8-10, 2022 - Social media shows Heidi in Maryland with her malicious long-estranged mother, lured to visit on the false pretense of an imminent family death. Multiple texts from Heidi on this day indicate Heidi's intent to abduct Harlan and steal marital property.
February 11, 2022 - APD Victim Services Counselor (assigned after Heidi's assault) advises HBF their automatic PO window closed 30 days after Heidi's assault (same day she made her false allegation to SAFE) and given urgent danger suggests hiring a lawyer to expedite.
February 15, 2022 - Heidi texts HBF a 7-day Carroll County District Court ex-parte protective order, a MD attorney discovers it's based on a false spousal rape allegation (link).
February 22, 2022 - Hearing on above PO. To avoid immediate dismissal, Heidi's counsel requests a week extension. HBF'sMaryland lawyer, on Texas counsel advice to avoid confusing jurisdiction, agrees to defer dismissal date one week. No restrictions on contact with Harlan. Harlan's whereabouts unknown. Click here for dismissal.
March 2, 2022 - First encounter with Judge Mangrum. Hearing mostly consumed with delay tactics and absurd allegations by Heidi's (criminal defense) lawyer and other delay tactics. Heidi admits to not taking her psychiatric medications and absconding with Harlan. HBF testifies about Heidi's mental struggles and substance abuse; tells the court that he, Heidi, and Harlan are all in danger given her instability and her family's malice. HBF learns that Carroll County has informed APD of the rape allegation in Heidi's fallacious PO filing.
Mangrum gavels hearing on time after 2 hours, before evidence can be offered including pictures of HBF injuries from 3 assaults by Heidi, Heidi's threats and belligerent behavior before/since arrest, emails/texts about prior kidnap attempts and false allegations by Heidi's mother. After hearing, HBF immediately calls APD to address false rape allegation. Two days later Mangrum denies the PO; 30 days later Heidi dies of intoxication from morphine obtained from, or administered by, Deborah Jenkins.
Click here for full transcript.
March 17, 2022 - Texas Child Protective Services completes investigation initiated by Heidi's assault arrest and later expanded after Heidi alleges that HBF knocked out 3 teeth (fully rebutted with dental visit records of recent tooth extractions / root canals) and rules out abuse of Harlan. Click here for CPS letter ruling out abuse.*
* Deborah also made false claims to Maryland CPS and Texas CPS after Heidi's death. Click here for Maryland letter dismissing investigation. Click here for CPS report reopening and closing out a second investigation, including a summary indicating their only concern for Harlan's safety was Heidi's maternal family (the abductors) based on 3rd party interviews.
March 23, 2022 - Hearing scheduled in Travis County on the divorce suit I filed a month earlier is redocketed for April 11th. Knowing the peril Heidi and Harlan are in, HBF counsel requests an emergency setting; requests is completely ignored.
March 23, 2022 - Heidi and Deborah take a 2nd bite at the apple in Carroll County, this time in Circuit Court. Ex-parte PO is granted on the false assertion of new evidence of abuse.
March 30, 2022 - Hearing in Carroll County. Restricted to jurisdiction at HBF counsel's request. In this hearing (transcript unavailable until December 2023), Heidi admits to hiding Harlan, jurisdiction shopping, that she didn't "flee" to mother's but visited (under the false pretense of her grandmother's imminent death), that she is knowingly violating the standing order by holding Harlan truant, unilaterally withdrawing her from school, taking marital property, and other violations. Deborah reveals that she, not Heidi, took Harlan from Texas, and assisted Heidi in her false allegations, absconding with Harlan, and theft.
Heidi's alleged new abuse is HBF telling Harlan via phone that he would do everything to get her back home. Heidi makes no allegation of any physical or other abuse to Harlan, even when pressed by counsel. Judge finds a) no basis for emergency jurisdiction over child and b) no basis for geographic jurisdiction, and denies the PO with the specific finding that Heidi and Deborah's testimony is not credible. Click here for denial.
After 2.5 years of inexplicable and barbaric injustice, October 3, 2024, the 3rd Court of Appeals delivered the most chilling and impossible ruling yet.
In the preceding two hearings (October 2023 and May 2024 -- delay is the Court's principal weapon), reams of new evidence including Heidi's sworn testimony 72 hours before her death a) irrefutably rebutted every possible act of wrongdoing, b) showed Heidi's family's long history of malice including death threats, and c) via Heidi and Deborah's own words, irrefutably rebutted any affirmative defense. None of this was challenged in those hearings, nor in the mandamus response. In fact, the mandamus response itself included a litany of new transgressions, both penal code and civil procedure code violations punishable with contempt findings.
Click here for Mandamus. Click here for motion for Stay.
Click here for reply. Click here for response.
Over 1,000 days after Harlan's abduction, no uncensored contact since including prohibited from discussing her mother's death, months of no contact due to weaponizing the courts orders (including exploiting the Court's own errors in its ruinous and erroneous orders, and with EVERY POSSIBLE allegation irrefutably rebutted, the 3rd Court of Appeals denied this mandamus without explanation. Moreover, both the trial court hearings and mandamus responses contained dozens (or hundreds) of material, irrefutably perjured statements along with countless other instances of legal malfeasance.
This outrageous denial w/o explanation does shed light on their 2022 denial (without explanation) allowing Deborah Jenkins - who had no standing in our lives BY HEIDI's CHOICE and whose 5-year estrangement (including the preceding18 months of no contact, with Heidi even hiding our address) made the first hand knowledge the law supposedly requires for standing literally impossible, made doubly impossible by CPS and APD investigating and clearing me of any wrongdoing.
Travis County Inexplicably Interferes to Enable and Abet the Crimes
April 1, 2023 - 24 hours after the prior denial, "Heidi"* files a motion in Travis County for a 3rd bite at the ex-parte PO apple. Requested transcript from Travis County; advised there is none available. Heidi's [new] counsel emailed the court show falsely asserting they granted the denied 2nd bite at the apple protective order 24 hours earlier, included "protection for Harlan", and is in force through April 22. Travis County bewilderingly grants a 3rd bite at the apple PO preventing HBF from attempting to rescue Harlan 2 months after her abduction, and sealing Heidi's fate.
April 7, 2023 - HBF learns from counsel that Heidi died 3 days earlier and Deborah has filed a suit to intervene in our divorce case.
April 8, 2023 - HBF flies to Maryland to retrieve Harlan, but Travis County issues a brand new protective order preventing that, and preventing any contact at all between HBF and Harlan. (!)